Now, Lola chocolate that helps you shed weight!

Valencia - 2010-04-28

London: Good news for chocoholics trying hard to resist their favourite sweet treat: a chocolate that helps people shed weight has been invented.

Called Lola, the chocolate contains chemicals that suppress hunger, while still tasting as rich and satisfying as regular chocolates.

The only problem is a slight green tinge because of its unusual ingredients, which promote weight loss.

The chocolate, made by Spanish manufacturer Cocoa Bio, contains the dietary supplement spirulina, a microscopic algae with high level of nutrients like vitamin A and B12, which have weight loss benefits.

The makers also claim that the presence of special amino acids trick the eater into believing they are not hungry and prevent them overeating.

The recipe includes phenylalanine, an amino acid that stimulates cholecystokinin - a peptide hormone secreted by the brain to suppress hunger.

Cocoa BIO said that the chocolate does not contain cholesterol, and also help digestion by boosting a healthy level of intestinal bacteria.

Lola is 100% natural and is made using biological cocoa from Peru and Santa Domingo.

"It has an intense flavour and extremely high antioxidant properties," the Telegraph quoted one of its inventors, Armando Yanez, as saying.

"People should eat one or two chocolates around one hour before a meal. They'll feel pleasantly full and less likely to be eating to excess later on," Yanez added.

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